Since 2007, more than 26,000 hectares of forest land in India has
been diverted to coal mining, making coal one of the biggest
threats to
forests in the country. People’s lives and livelihoods are at stake
here. There is wildlife thriving in these forests. That’s why the famous
Bollywood actor Abhay Deol joined the Greenpeace campaign against
forest destruction for more coal mining. He flew in a hot air balloon
over the rich forests at Mahan in Singrauli district of Madhya Pradesh
to bring attention to what we stand to lose if the government opens up
Mahan and other forests in Central India to coal mining. The coal
ministry has been asking for additional forest land to increase coal
production in central India, blaming forest clearance procedures for a
shortfall in energy generation. Coal companies, including government
owned Coal India Limited, have access to over 200,000 hectares of coal
bearing land, including 55,000 hectares of forest area.
Our addiction to burning coal for energy is leading us into crisis.
Abhay Deol, on board the hot air balloon, was raising serious
concerns about the fact that these valuable and irreplaceable forests
will be cut down to meet the energy demands of urban dwellers like many
of us, he said. All that forest will be lost to serve the greed of a
few. That is one compelling reason, he said, that has inspired him to
talk about the forests that he was flying over. He also said that we
have to show people that these forests need to be protected and to urge
and empower them to act now.
If the Mahan block is cleared for mining it will set a dangerous
precedent and signal a major setback for communities, civil society and
citizens concerned about the environment and human rights.
Greenpeace demands a moratorium on all new coal mining in forest
areas until the government sets criteria for “inviolate” forests (those
closed to mining) through a transparent consultative process.
The Indian Government must also look at cleaner and more sustainable
alternatives. Safe, renewable-energy can power our future – it will be
cheaper and healthier for our families and our planet. The first step is
to say no to new coal power.
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